Monday, 2 June 2014

Potty Training - Day Two!

Today was a non event in the way of toilet training! Not that I didnt try, encourage, tempt, and yes, bribe Ben as much as I could! Even bought the Elmo Potty Training App! Waste of money! So, no one had a malteser today but I WAS tempted and wouldnt have to be bribed!
Day Three tomorrow! Yay! Cant wait!!!

Sunday, 1 June 2014

Potty Training - Day One!

So, the day I have been dreading is finally here, we SERIOUSLY start to potty train Ben! I really didn't want to bribe Ben to do a wee on the toilet but that kind of went out the window  as Matt had apparently thought this was the better way to do it and bought a big bucket of Maltesers! I was notified of this as I reached for a Malteser and could hear this parental tone from Matt saying "Nah ah ahaaaa! Dont touch!" Even when he explained what they were for, I wasnt allowed one, even if I did fo wee wee on toilet!
Day One, Ben thoroughly enjoying the chocolate - Current score nappy 1 - toilet 0
On my own with this tomorrow! Wonder if Matt counted the Maltesers???